Every moment is a new opportunity!

The new year is a time when many people give their lives an overview, looking at the previous year and using their experiences to form new goals, desires and dreams...it's a good time of year to do this, the new year is like a blank canvas, the pristine new page, an opportunity to start afresh and make some changes to our lives and to ourselves.

Although I do not personally go in for the resolutions of new year, I do find it to be a good time during the winter months to slow down a  little, take stock and 'check in' with myself about where I am, where I want to be and how I feel about it all. As a healer, it is something that I do regularly throughout the year and it is a healthy way to move forward through life, gently assessing what we have been experiencing and deciding whether it's making us feel good or not or that we are going in the direction of our dreams or not.

New year can feel daunting and depressing to some, once the festivities are finished, it can feel like there is very little energy left for anything and little to look forward to...it can be a challenging time for some but if we simplify things down a bit...or a lot...and take life and the dreams we are wanting to create in smaller bites, smaller steps, things begin to seem more do-able, more achievable and this can help us to open our minds to positive, bit-sized changes that feel more fun, more uplifting and more satisfying.

Remembering that each moment is also a new beginning is empowering too, every time we take another breath, we can choose to change the way we are thinking...about anything, be it ourselves, our day, our people...anything at all...we can take our power back each moment towards a thought that makes us feel better, that brings us more ease, peace or joy...these smallest of changes in direction are the most powerful of all, the small steps are the ones we feel better able to manage, so we can allow those changes to pivot our thinking towards feeling better.

Sometimes it may take some time to get from feeling low to feeling joy but by that incremental ascent towards feeling more relaxed and easy with ourselves takes us back to our true selves...every time. If we focus on that better feeling thought for long enough, it leads to more of the same type of thinking and it takes us back to our selves, it takes us home again.

So, how do we do this? Take some time today when you have a moment or two...take a breath, how do you feel in this moment? Happy, filled with joy? If so, that's great, if not, take time to look forward just a little, and think:

"what would make me feel better now?"

A sit down perhaps, a moment to yourself, some fresh air, exercise, creativity, sleep, a snack, reading or watching something funny...any simple thing that is uplifting, relaxing, comforting or indulgent to you...find time to check in more regularly and take action on your findings and you will begin to experience more joy and fulfilment in your world...after all, life is supposed to be fun and the small moments of joy begin to knit together until they create the majority of your experience.

When we begin to feel more relaxed, through doing something simple to feel better in this moment, we are becoming more centred again and that is the perfect time and place to begin looking ahead and getting a feeling for the bigger picture that you would love to create for yourself...we can only create love and harmony, success etc when we are in this relaxed and centered place...for that is our true place of clarity and power...where all our dreams and inspirations become stronger and clearer to us and where we feel more able to make loving changes in our lives.

We can start over every moment again and again...a new beginning point...there is no rush, no limitation...allow yourself to create the life you want this year through joy, ease and perfect timing...life really is on your side if you allow it to be...and the more we choose that better feeling thought, it will lead to harmonious love-based actions and creations in our lives. And then, the journey of a thousand, million moments of feeling better becomes the more desirable experience that we are living every day rather than a goal off on the horizon made of "when I achieve _________then I'll feel better"...choose to feel better now and the rest will fall into place perfectly!